Relevant Government Business Opportunity Discovery

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Contacting Capture2Proposal is easy. We are available on the web, via email, or by phone.

New Opportunities Automatically Identified and Delivered. Capture2Proposal’s machine-learning model, GovAI™, analyzes your pipeline to suggest pertinent Government procurement opportunities for your consideration. As you provide feedback GovAI adapts to provide you with relevant opportunities to evaluate.

  • GovAI™ analyzes your pipeline and suggests pertinent opportunities based on the work you pursue
  • As new opportunities are identified an email notification is sent to users for evaluation
  • GovAI™ adapts to improve the relevance of future recommendations based on your feedback
  • GovAI™ ServiceScope is designed to meet the needs of contractors that provide services.
  • GovAI™ VendorScope is designed to meet the needs of the Vendor, OEM, and VAR community and includes four different suggestion models; Deal Before the Deal, Hidden Deal, First-Time Buyer, and Competitor Churn
Capture2's Servicescope gives up-to-date pipeline analysis of relevant opportunities through consistent email notifications.

GovAI™ email notifications help cut down hunting time by presenting relevant new opportunities to you as soon as they are identified. All GovAI™ ServiceScope notifications identify opportunities Forecasted or Pre-RFP acquisition status providing you the sufficient runway required to execute a capture strategy.

Pipeline Analysis reports are made through our Relevant Opportunity AI Recommendation System

From the email you can access the GovAI™ report directly and provide feedback on opportunities you like or dislike. C2P’s machine-learning model will use your feedback to refine the recommendations sent to you each time.

Want to learn more?

Sign-up for a brief demo & overview with one of our Capture2Proposal specialists to see it in action!

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